
You're browsing the old v2.x documentation. This version is no longer maintained. Click here to go the v3.x documentation.

This is an old revision of the document!


Note: the bellow guide applies to versions 2.3 or later. If you're looking for the older usage guide, please read the old version of this page.


Before getting started, have a look at this figure to understand how XC=BASIC source files are compiled to C64 executable programs. There are two steps involved. First, the xcbasic64 compiler compiles the .bas source file to an intermediate assembly source. Then DASM is kicked in and it assembles the intermediate source file to program file.

Step 1: install DASM

  • Go to this page and download the latest DASM release for your operating system.
  • Extract the package to a location that you'll remember
  • Recommended: add the executable to the PATH environment variable to make it callable from anywhere. If you don't know how to do this, read one of these guides: Windows, Linux and macOS. On Linux, it's often easier to symlink to the executable in a standard bin directory, e.g /usr/bin.

Step 2: install xcbasic64

  • Go to the releases page and download the latest xcbasic64 release for your operating system.
  • Extract the package to a location that you'll remember
  • Recommended: add the executable to the PATH environment variable (see above).


You can now invoke xcbasic64 from the command line as follows:

  xcbasic64 [-options] source.bas target.prg

The following command line options can be used: