
You're browsing the old v2.x documentation. This version is no longer maintained. Click here to go the v3.x documentation.

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These instructions apply to version v2.3.0 and up.

Installation on Windows (64 bit)

  1. Download the XC=BASIC installer for Windows
  2. Double click the exe file
  3. Walk through the installation steps
  4. Launch the XC=BASIC command prompt from Start Menu > Programs > XC=BASIC
  5. Type xcbasic -h to test that installation was successful

Installation on Linux (32 or 64 bit)

  1. Download the installer for your platform
  2. cd to the directory where the installer is downloaded
  3. Give executable permission: chmod +x xcbasic-installer-linux-x86-X.X.X.run
  4. Run the installer: ./xcbasic-installer-linux-x86-X.X.X.run
  5. Walk through the installation steps
  6. Type xcbasic64 -h to test that the installation was successful

Installation on Mac OS (64 bit)

  1. Download the XC=BASIC installer for Mac OS
  2. Launch the pkg file
  3. Walk through the installation steps
  4. Open the terminal and type xcbasic64 -h to test if installation was successful