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Strings are fixed-length series of PETSCII characters. The maximum length of a string is 96 characters.

String literals

String literals must be enclosed between double quote () characters and may contain any ASCII character. Every ASCII character that has a PETSCII equivalent will be translated to PETSCII.

For characters that don't have an ASCII equivalent, you can use PETSCII escape sequences. An escape sequence is a number or an alias in curly braces. For example:

PRINT "{CLR}" : REM clear screen
PRINT "{147}" : REM same as above
PRINT "{WHITE}text in white"

Refer to this page for all supported escape sequences.

Defining string variables

As opposed to numeric variables, string variables cannot be implicitly defined. You must use the DIM keyword to create a variable of STRING type. The statement must define the variable name, the type, and the maximum string length, as in this example:

DIM varname$ AS STRING * 16

This will create a STRING variable named varname$ with a maximum length of 16 characters.


The $ postfix in the variable name is optional and may be omitted.


The maximum allowed string length is 96 characters.

Value assignment

Variables of STRING type, just like any other variables, may be assigned values using the = operator:

varname$ = "hello world"

There's one caveat that you must be aware of: if the right-hand side of the assignment is longer than the variable's maximum length, the string will be truncated to fit into the variable. For example:

DIM varname$ AS STRING * 5
varname$ = "hello world"
PRINT varname$ : REM will output "hello"


Strings will be truncated to the maximum length that will fit into the variable. So if a STRING variable was defined with a length of 32, for example, then only the first 32 string characters of the assigned value will be stored.

String operators

Use the + operator to concatenate two strings.

DIM name$ AS STRING * 16
DIM greet$ AS STRING * 23
INPUT "enter your name: "; name$
greet$ = "hello, " + name$

You can use the comparison operators = and <> to verify two strings are identical.

String functions

You can find all functions that operate on strings on the Function Reference page.

Direct string manipulation

If you intend to manipulate strings directly, for example to examine and/or replace individual characters, you may use PEEK and POKE to read and write individual characters within strings. For this you must understand how strings are stored in memory. When you define a string variable, as in this example:

DIM mystr$ AS STRING * 8

…the compiler will allocate 9 bytes in memory - one for holding the string length, and the rest for the characters that make up the string value. Now when you assign a value to this variable, such as:

mystr$ = "hello"

…the memory area will be set like this (numbers in hexadecimal):

The first byte will contain the string length (five characters in this case) and the following 5 bytes will represent the encoded PETSCII characters. Since the fixed size of this string is 8 characters, but the actual string is only 5 characters long, the last three bytes are unused and their values are undefined and insignificant. However, XC=BASIC does not perform “garbage collection” like some others languages do, so those 3 bytes will remain in memory for the entire runtime of the program as unused space unless you alter the string by assigning a new value. Therefore, for the sake of efficient memory use, it is best to ensure all strings are defined to a length that is as short as possible for the needs of the program.

The ”@“ operator returns the memory address of a variable. With this address, you can easily manipulate the string. For example, you can change its first character to an “A”, as in the following example:

POKE @mystr$ + 1, 65
PRINT mystr$

Here is how the compiler will handle this example:

If the above code is compiled and run, the output will be “AELLO”.