PET VIC-20 C64 C16 Plus/4 C128 X16 M65
command is used to exchange the values of two variables.
SWAP <left>, <right>
After the operation, the variable left will have the value of right and vice versa.
The two variables can be of any type, but their types must be the same.
command is especially useful in sorting algorithms:
REM -- Bubble sort 10 random long numbers -- CONST TRUE = 255 CONST FALSE = 0 DIM nums(10) AS LONG DIM swapped AS BYTE FAST DIM i AS BYTE FAST DIM j AS BYTE FAST RANDOMIZE TI() FOR i = 0 TO 9 : nums(i) = RNDL() : NEXT swapped = FALSE FOR i = 0 TO 8 FOR j = 0 TO 8 - i IF nums(j) > nums(j + 1) THEN SWAP nums(j), nums(j + 1) swapped = TRUE END IF NEXT j IF swapped = FALSE THEN EXIT FOR NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 9 : PRINT nums(i) : NEXT