Table of Contents

Installation and Usage



Make sure you have the latest version of dasm. Users reported that XC=BASIC code did not compile with older versions.


  1. Go to XC=BASIC's GitHub page:
  2. Click the green “Code” button and then either click “Download ZIP” or find the instructions to clone the repository.
  3. If you downloaded the zip file, extract it somewhere on your machine.
  4. You will find pre-compiled executables in the bin/ directory for Windows, Linux and macOS. All of them are compiled for 64-bit systems. If you run a 32-bit system or another operating system, you'll have to compile XC=BASIC from source. See the file for instructions.
  5. To run properly, XC=BASIC needs the lib/ directory as well and it must be in the same folder where the bin/ directory is. Just leave them as they are.
  6. On Linux and macOS, the easiest is if you make a symlink to the executable into any directory that is already in PATH. For example:
    sudo ln /path/to/xc-basic3/bin/Linux/xcbasic3 /usr/local/bin/xcbasic3
  7. On Windows, you can follow this guide to learn how to add xc-basic3/bin/Windows/ (the directory that contains the executable) to the PATH.


If you installed everything, you should be able to run the command:

xcbasic3 --help

The output contains all useful information on how to use the program. The most common usage is:

xcbasic3 path/to/source.bas path/to/output.prg

That's it. Continue to the next page to learn about the language.