PET VIC-20 C64 C16 Plus/4 C128 X16 M65
(address of) is a unary operator that resolves the memory address of a variable or label. The address is returned as a WORD.
DIM x AS INT PRINT "x resides at address "; @x DIM y(3) AS LONG PRINT "array member addresses: "; @y(0), @y(1), @y(2) mylab: PRINT "this code piece starts at "; @mylab
If applied to a dynamic local variable, the @
operator will return an address relative to the current stack frame.
SUB routine () ' Note this sub is not STATIC DIM a AS INT DIM b AS INT STATIC c AS INT PRINT @b ' Will output 2 PRINT @c ' Will output an absolute address END SUB CALL routine()