Step 2.1: Designing the screen

Let's do the easy part first, that is drawing the screen. Let's enlist what need to be visible on the screen:

For drawing screen prototypes you can use Krissz's online PETSCII Editor, or you can use the C64 itself or just the good old checkered paper. I opted for the first and here's what I've come up with:

I know it looks very primitive but currently this is all we need. Now let's start writing our program. Let's create a new file called tetris.bas and write a simple program that displays the game screen:

REM -- An XC=BASIC tutorial game


REM -- Clear the screen
REM -- Clear color RAM

REM -- Set border and background color
POKE 53280, 13 : POKE 53281, 1

REM -- Switch to upper case
POKE 53272, 21

REM -- Disable SHIFT + Commodore key
POKE 657,128 

REM -- Draw the playfield using a series of PRINT statements
CURPOS 14, 3
PRINT "{REV_ON}{176}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{174}{REV_OFF}"
FOR i! = 4 TO 23
  CURPOS 14, i!
  PRINT "{REV_ON}{194}{REV_OFF}          {REV_ON}{194}{REV_OFF}" : REM 10 spaces in the middle
CURPOS 14, 24
PRINT "{REV_ON}{173}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{195}{189}{REV_OFF}";

REM -- Write texts
TEXTAT 27, 10, "level:"
TEXTAT 27, 13, "score:"
TEXTAT 27, 16, "hi:"
TEXTAT 27, 19, "next:"

REM -- Set color to green where numbers will be displayed
MEMSET COLORRAM + 467, 2, 5 : REM row 11, col 27, 2 chars
MEMSET COLORRAM + 587, 6, 5 : REM row 14, col 27, 6 chars
MEMSET COLORRAM + 707, 6, 5 : REM row 17, col 27, 6 chars

If you only programmed in CBM BASIC before, you'll notice some commands that you may not be familiar with (click on the links to learn more):

So far all the rest are the same as in good old CBM BASIC.

Note that keywords in XC=BASIC are case-insensitive which means you can write them in UPPERCASE, lowercase or even in Capitalized depending on your style. In this tutorial I will use UPPERCASE.

Warning: unlike keywords, identifiers like variable names, procedure names, etc. are case-sensitive!

Now compile and run the program to see how far we got:

Not a big deal, but we've done the easy part. Click on “next page” to go on and read how we will encode and store the shapes.