====== SWAP ====== [pet] [vic20] [c64] [c16] [cplus4] [c128] [x16] [m65] The ''SWAP'' command is used to exchange the values of two variables. ===== Syntax ===== SWAP , After the operation, the variable //left// will have the value of //right// and vice versa. The two variables can be of any type, but their types must be the same. ===== Example ===== The ''SWAP'' command is especially useful in sorting algorithms: REM -- Bubble sort 10 random long numbers -- CONST TRUE = 255 CONST FALSE = 0 DIM nums(10) AS LONG DIM swapped AS BYTE FAST DIM i AS BYTE FAST DIM j AS BYTE FAST RANDOMIZE TI() FOR i = 0 TO 9 : nums(i) = RNDL() : NEXT swapped = FALSE FOR i = 0 TO 8 FOR j = 0 TO 8 - i IF nums(j) > nums(j + 1) THEN SWAP nums(j), nums(j + 1) swapped = TRUE END IF NEXT j IF swapped = FALSE THEN EXIT FOR NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 9 : PRINT nums(i) : NEXT