====== Showcase ====== Demos and games written in XC=BASIC 3. If you'd like to show your work to the World, [[v3:start#about_the_author|send it to me]] and I'll post it here. ===== Delve Deeper ===== by [[https://grifonchan.itch.io/|Griffon]] Delve Deeper is a heretical rogue-like dungeon crawler for the Commdore 64, written in XC=BASIC! * [[https://grifonchan.itch.io/delvedeeper|Download Delve Deeper from Itch.io]] ===== Pac-Man ===== by [[https://www.youtube.com/@agpxnet|AGPX]] A Pac-Man clone implemented in XC=BASIC. * [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VDrdwbBZznnM6IX3czwAXKbyljQLsNPO/view|Click here to download the program and the source code]]. ===== 3D Labyrinth ===== by [[https://www.youtube.com/@agpxnet|AGPX]] An XC=BASIC program in which you can explore a procedurally generated maze in 3D. * [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R6giZpGgPpzNbNunL1Sqc_yHG7vYoRBM/view?pli=1|Click here to download the program and the source code]]. ===== PET Packman ===== by Dave Duke A Pacman clone for the Commodore PET 2022 with custom character ROM. ===== The Daring Rescue of Pacuvia the Sheep ===== by Diduz A short, bizarre, traditional interactive fiction game for C64, Amiga, MS-Dos, Windows and Tandy Model 100. [[https://diduz.itch.io/the-daring-rescue-of-pacuvia-the-sheep|Download from Itch.io]] (includes source code) ===== Superchase Remix ===== by JJFlash A maze game for the Commodore 64 where you try to collect as much treasure as possible, while the Monster of Dungeons tries to stop you! [[https://jjflash.itch.io/superchase-remix|Superchase Remix on Itch.io]] | [[https://gitea.it/JJFlash/C64_Superchase|Source code]] ===== Ad Astra ===== by Orlof A slow paced 2D space “simulator” where you mine asteroids, improve your ship, and finally save the world! [[https://github.com/orlof/ad_astra|Ad Astra game and source code on GitHub]] ===== Release Announcement Demo ===== by Neils A little demo written to celebrate the release of XC=BASIC 3 after more than a year of development. [[https://csdb.dk/release/?id=223219|Release on CSDB]] | [[https://github.com/neilsf/xc-basic3/tree/main/examples/v3.1_release_announcement|Source code on GitHub]]