====== MOD ====== [pet] [vic20] [c64] [c16] [cplus4] [c128] [x16] [m65] The ''MOD'' ("modulo") operator solves the remainder of a division, after one number is divided by another. ===== Syntax ===== MOD ===== Examples ===== PRINT 5 MOD 2 : REM outputs 1 The above expression evaluates to 1, because 5 divided by 2 has a quotient of 2 and a remainder of 1. CONST PI = 3.14159 PRINT (2.5 * PI) MOD PI : REM outputs a number equal to PI/2 The following program checks whether a year is a leap year: DIM in$ AS STRING * 4 DIM year AS WORD DIM isleap AS BYTE CONST TRUE = 255 CONST FALSE = 0 INPUT "enter year: "; in$ year = CWORD(VAL(in$)) IF year MOD 4 = 0 THEN IF year MOD 100 = 0 THEN isleap = (year MOD 400 = 0) ELSE isleap = TRUE END IF ELSE isleap = FALSE END IF PRINT year; " is "; IF NOT isleap THEN PRINT "not "; PRINT "a leap year."