====== Installation and Usage ====== ===== Prerequisites ===== * XC=BASIC is a console application and therefore you need to understand at least the very basics of using the console of your choice, e. g. executing commands, changing directories, copying files, etc. * XC=BASIC depends on [[https://dasm-assembler.github.io/|dasm]]. Download //dasm// from their website and make sure it is invokable from any directory. You can do this by either installing it into a directory that's already in the PATH environment variable or by adding the directory to PATH. Make sure you have the latest version of //dasm//. Users reported that XC=BASIC code did not compile with older versions. ===== Installation ===== - Go to XC=BASIC's GitHub page: [[https://github.com/neilsf/XC-BASIC3]]. - Click the green "Code" button and then either click "Download ZIP" or find the instructions to clone the repository. - If you downloaded the zip file, extract it somewhere on your machine. - You will find pre-compiled executables in the //bin/// directory for Windows, Linux and macOS. All of them are compiled for 64-bit systems. If you run a 32-bit system or another operating system, you'll have to compile XC=BASIC from source. See the //README.md// file for instructions. - To run properly, XC=BASIC needs the //lib/// directory as well and it must be in the same folder where the //bin/// directory is. Just leave them as they are. - On Linux and macOS, the easiest is if you make a symlink to the executable into any directory that is already in PATH. For example:\\ ''sudo ln /path/to/xc-basic3/bin/Linux/xcbasic3 /usr/local/bin/xcbasic3'' - On Windows, you can follow [[https://www.architectryan.com/2018/03/17/add-to-the-path-on-windows-10/|this guide]] to learn how to add //xc-basic3/bin/Windows/// (the directory that contains the executable) to the PATH. ===== Usage ===== If you installed everything, you should be able to run the command: ''xcbasic3 --help'' The output contains all useful information on how to use the program. The most common usage is: ''xcbasic3 path/to/source.bas path/to/output.prg'' That's it. Continue to the next page to learn about the language. <- start|Previous page ^ installation_and_usage|Installation and Usage ^ syntax|Next page ->