====== IF ... THEN ... ELSE ====== Syntax: if [and | or ] then [else ] or, since version 2.1: if [and | or ] then [else ] endif Conditional structure. Executes the statements after ''THEN'' if the expression evaluates to true, otherwise the statements after ''ELSE'', if present. ''ELSE'' is optional. Current limitations: * Only one conditional operation (''AND''/''OR'') is supported * ''THEN'' may not be omitted Examples: if x >= y/z then print "yes, expression is true" if a = b then print "they are equal" else print "they are not equal" if a = b or a < 2 then print "they are equal or a is less than two" Please refer to the [[operators|Operators]] page for the list of supported operators. ====== Performance tip ====== An ''ON ... GOTO'' or ''ON ... GOSUB'' construct is faster than its ''IF ... THEN GOTO/GOSUB'' equivalent. Please refer to the [[ON|ON construct]] for details.