====== Game and demo gallery ======
The following programs were written in **XC=BASIC**. If you've written a working XC=BASIC program, please add it to the ''examples/'' directory in the develop branch of the GitHub repo and submit a PR. Or you can just send it to me to feketecsaba at gmail dot com.
===== Games =====
==== Flying Saucers ====
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Released in August 2020, an arcade game written in XC=BASIC.
* [[https://github.com/neilsf/flying-saucers|Game and source code]]
* [[https://csdb.dk/release/?id=194945|CSDB Release]]
==== Fold'em 2 ====
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A puzzle game by Ernst Neubeck (INC-X Software) submitted to the THEC64 Winter Game Development Competition 2020.
* [[https://csdb.dk/release/?id=198355|CSDB Release]]
==== XCB Invaders ====
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The arcade classic rewritten in XC=BASIC.
* [[https://github.com/neilsf/XC-BASIC/tree/master/examples/invaders|Game and source code]]
==== Puralax! ====
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A full-feature logic puzzle game to demonstrate the capabilities of **XC=BASIC** version 2.0. Ported from the game found at [[http://www.puralax.com/|www.puralax.com]].
* [[https://github.com/neilsf/XC-BASIC/blob/master/examples/puralax/puralax.bas|Source code]]
==== Snake ====
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The first working game ever written in **XC=BASIC**, yet with v0.9. It's a very simple implementation of the classic Snake game.
* [[https://github.com/neilsf/XC-BASIC/blob/master/examples/snake/snake.bas|Source code]]
===== Demos and other stuff =====
==== Galencia starfield====
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Jason Aldred's starfield effect from the game Galencia re-implemented in XC=BASIC by Alan Bourke.
* [[https://github.com/AlanPBourke/galstars/|Source code]]
==== C64 One File Demo: Happy New Year 2021 by Hokuto Force! ====
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Written by Felice Nardella AKA Kimono of Hokuto Force.
* [[https://csdb.dk/release/?id=198627|CSDB Release]]
==== Plazma ====
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**XC=BASIC** Implementation of the demo effect by groepaz/hitmen to demonstrate the capabilities of version 2.1.
* [[https://github.com/neilsf/XC-BASIC/blob/v2.1-beta2/examples/plazma/plazma.bas|Source code]]
==== Maze generator ====
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Implementation of the classic algorithm by Raeto Collin West, ported to **XC=BASIC** by Oliver Hermanni.
* [[https://github.com/neilsf/XC-BASIC/blob/master/examples/mazegen/mazegenerator-xcbasic.bas|Source code]]
==== Chaze in the Maze ====
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A demo written by JJFlash featuring a maze solver algorithm. FreeBasic version also available.
* [[https://github.com/JJFlash-IT/digital-tag/tree/master/c64|Game and source code]]