====== FOR ... NEXT ====== Syntax: for = to [step ] [statements...] next [] The ''FOR ... NEXT'' construct will assign the result of ''initial_value'' to the given variable, then iterate the variable until it reaches the value of ''end_value'', executing the commands between ''FOR'' and ''NEXT'' as many times as necessary. If ''step'' is provided, the variable will be incremented or decremented with ''step''. ''step'' defaults to 1 otherwise. The types of ''initial_value'', ''end_value'' and ''step'' must match that of ''variable''. ''FOR ... NEXT'' constructs can be nested. **Note #1**: ''end_value'' is evaluated only once, before starting the loop. **Note #2**: the variable name after the ''NEXT'' statement is not mandatory since version 2.3. **Note #3**: the runtime library will not check the consistency of your ''FOR ... NEXT'' blocks. If there is a ''NEXT'' without ''FOR'', for example, the program will likely break.